1. “Valuing your time” Even after 10 years of experience, I have the hardest time charging a client. Since I don’t have something material of value to base my fee. Value your worth and your time and charge accordingly. It is not easy to do.
2. Keep accounts separate. Keep personal purchases and business purchases separate at all times if possible. Not keeping expenses separate is an accountant’s nightmare.
3. Always keep receipts. Keep your receipts, even if you put them in a box or bag.
4. Keep track of all cash expenses. It is important to keep track of your expenses. You don’t want to miss any deductions on your tax return. Every little helps.
5. Always make notes when entering expenses. Trust me, it helps!
6. Hire a professional if you have any doubts about what you are doing. You do not want to be the person who made a mess of the accounting books.